White shiny teeth are the dream for many people. Having whiter teeth can make people feel more confidence. Teeth whitening process is not impossible. In this present day, the dental field has developed the best method to whiten the teeth. There are many options of dental care teeth whitening treatment available. If you want to get this treatment, you can always go to your dentists. Your dentists will be able to help you to determine the best dental care teeth whitening treatment for your teeth.
It is better for you to know that not all teeth whitening treatments can deliver the result as your expectance. Before taking certain treatment, you need to find the best teeth whitening treatment which is approved by your dentist. Go with this treatment instead of choosing the treatment which is discussed by your friends. The main reason is because certain treatment might work well for one person but not working well for other people. The result of the treatment varies from one person to another. In some cases, your dentists might not recommend the dental care teeth whitening for you since you have too much sensitivity in your teeth and gums.
Some of you might be familiar with dental-grade whitening gel. The dental-grade whitening gel has the same percentage of peroxide as the gel used for laser treatment. However, the bleaching process is milder on the enamel which is not scorched from the UV rays or scratched by the acids caused by peroxide oxidation. The dentist applies a layer of dental blocks to give the protection on the gum from the exposure to the bleaching agent and UV light. The chemical breakdown of whitening gel will create water and oxygen gas. The oxygen will be absorbed into the enamel and the water will flow harmlessly through the teeth. Finally, the oxygen particles will treat the stain and transform everything white.
It is quite different with the dental care teeth whitening treatment performed in the clinic. The dental care teeth whitening treatment in the clinic is using non-acidic gels containing of Rhodium B instead of hydrogen peroxide. The bleaching agent requires green laser than blue. However, it does not use any acidity but it does not make the result becoming less effective than acidic peroxides. However, the lack of the acids can be a good thing since the enamel will not get dried up and the bleaching agent can be absorbed deeper into the teeth. It helps you to remove the internal stains in the teeth which is created from too much exposure to caffeine or nicotine.
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