Posts tagged ‘How to Prevent Tooth Decay’

How to Prevent Tooth Decay. Everybody wants to have nice teeth because it makes most people feel confidence. Having neat, white and good teeth will make our smile look cool. If you want to keep your tooth healthy you must understand things that cause tooth decay. First of all tooth decay is Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel (the outer coating of the tooth) and the dentin layer of the tooth. It is happened because it usually caused by food or drink that you usually consume every day. If the food such as cereals, candy, carbohydrate, breads, milk, soda, fruits, cakes are left on the teeth, it can make tooth decay because the bacteria that is come from the food that is left in your mouth digest these foods, turning them into acids. Usually it is known as plague which clings to the teeth. Acids in plague are not good for teeth because it can cause cavities.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay


Maybe you know start asking yourself how to prevent tooth decay. Do not worry, the way to prevent tooth decay is not really difficult. There are some ways about how to prevent tooth decay. They are:

  1. Brush your teeth after meal and before sleep. Make sure that you brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride-containing toothpaste.
  2. Clean between your teeth with dental floss.
  3. Eat healthy meals which are balance and have enough nutrients. If you can, try to limit yourself to consume snack.
  4. Routine check to the dentist at least twice in a year. You also can ask about use of supplemental fluoride, which strengthens your teeth and you also should ask about antibacterial treatments to your dentist.
  5. Drink fluoridated water.
  6.  Brush your tongue because it will help freshen your breath and will clean your mouth
  7. Consider dental sealants, etc.

If you do it regularly, you already success to prevent tooth decay happened to you. Do not underestimate tooth decay because it can affect everything. Pain that is caused by tooth decay will disturb you to do some activities. From some ways to prevent tooth decay, now you can give answer if someone asks you about tooth decay and how to prevent tooth decay. The information that you get should be shared with others.

Do not be afraid to see the dentists because the dentists will always give best solution for you. Better to get good treatment to get prefect and healthy teeth and mouth than you experience tooth decay. The pain and other teeth or gum problem will decrease your confidence because if you have many cavities at your teeth, the smell of your teeth will be bad and it is really disturbing. If you find problems with your teeth, it is your turn to make an appointment and take care of your teeth and mouth. Fresh, bright and clean teeth and mouth is most people’s dream. Make it happened to you and feel the strengthen of having healthy teeth in your life.